Make Ready Editor

This is the tool form that is opened when you start the Matrix Creator tool.

Matrix Creator


From the pulldown list choose the settings required. The settings are stored in the Master Tool Settings. You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Make Ready Settings form. The settings define the offsets applied and whether or not the tool will automatically allow for internal cuts, glue assist, delamination, reverse crease and create the extended chamfer.

The main toolbar appears as follows:

The toolbar options are all described below - Make Ready, Edit, Points, View, Snap, Lock, Enquire

Make Ready

Automatic Profile

This tool will create the external matrix profile and profile any internal colinear cut/crease entities allowing for all visible entities. Once complete the Create Profile tool is automatically loaded. On activating the tool, the Automatic profile settings form appears. From the pulldown lists select the settings for each type of matrix profile and press OK.

Normal Make Ready

Profile between non parallel entities where the panel being profiled has three or more creases, between two parallel crease entities or a single crease entity.

Corner Make Ready

Profile between two non parallel creases in a panel being profiled that has only two creases.

Cut/Crease Zig-Zag

Profiles are added to any cut/crease entities on the outside of the panels of the carton if the mode Zig-Zag style is selected.

Cut/Crease Internal

Profiles are added to any internal colinear cut/crease entities.

  • Outside style - Cutouts will be added to any cut/crease entities that are included in the perimeter of the matrix profile.
  • Zig-Zag style - Any cut/crease entities that are included in the perimeter of the matrix profile will be profiled in a Zig-Zag style.

Create Profile

This tool allows you to generate the matrix profile manually.


This allows you to redo the internal matrix using the current settings. This tool profiles any internal cut type entities allowing for any crease entities.

Glue assist

This allows you to redo any glue assist areas using the current settings. Parallel perforation entities that are within the variables from the current settings will be profiled by the matrix tool.


This allows you to redo any delamination areas using the current settings. This tool checks for enclosed shapes of specified palettes. A single enclosed shape will be filled internally. Areas where an enclosed loop encloses a separate loop of the same delamination palette will be filled between the two paths.

Reverse crease

This allows you to redo any reverse crease entities using the current settings. This tool will create cutout or milled pockets around specified reverse crease type entities.

MR holes

This allows you to add symbols to assist with the location of the matrix onto the dieboard. The symbols loaded are specified in the current master tool setting. On the toolbar choose the required mode.

Auto Sense

This mode will add symbols at X and Y offsets within an enclosed rectangular panel only.

Auto Sense divides the panel into nine sections; no snap mode is used for this mode. If you pick a point within one of the corner sections, the symbol will be placed offset by X and Y from the corner point. If you pick a point within the section relative to the mid section of each entity, the symbol will be placed offset by either the X or Y offset from the mid point. If you pick a point within the middle section the symbol will be placed centrally within the panel.

If the panel is not rectangular with the entities parallel to the drawing's axes, then the symbol will be placed at the cursor snapped point. If the panel cannot be divided by three by the X or Y value, then the symbol will be placed within the middle section in the X or Y.

Snapped Point

This mode will add a symbol offset by the X and Y values from a snapped point within the specified quadrant.

With the mode Snapped Point you must select which Quadrant the X and Y offsets are in. (For 1st Quadrant X & Y are positive, 2nd Quadrant X is positive and Y is negative etc.) Then select the snap mode and identify a point. From this snapped point the symbol will be placed offset within the specified quadrant.

Extended Chamfer

This tool will recalculate the extended chamfer using the current settings.


Will cancel the last function performed in the drawing.


After having undone an operation, this tool will repeat the undone operation.

Cancel and Exit

Will discard any geometry created and exit the tool.

Save and Exit

Will exit the tool and create any geometry in the layer specified in the current settings.



Will load the Create profile tool and allow you to edit any profile created by the Automatic profile or Create profile tools. Once you OK this tool you can optionally redo any internals, glue assist, delamination or reverse crease.

Extended chamfer

Allows you to change the path of the extended chamfer. Once you have edited the extended chamfer path it will not be automatically recalculated to allow for further changes made to the profile tool. To change the extended chamfer path to contour the profile chamfer tool load the Extended chamfer tool.

  • This will display the extended chamfer path and allow you to edit it using the Point tools or the Bezier edit tool.
  • When you have made the required changes right click and pick View - final result to return to editing the profile chamfer tool.

Add matrix

Allows you to add areas of matrix, possibly joining two areas together. Snap the first point of the enclosed shape and a flexible line (cursor) is drawn rotating about this point, snap a second point and so on. When the required shape has been drawn right click and choose the option Cancel Add shape to matrix. The drawn area will be displayed in a user-configurable colour (defaulting to green). To view the area merged with any existing profiles change the view to Final result. The shapes can then be permanently merged with any existing profiles by the tool Fix edit shapes.


Instructs the tool to check all entities for the same configuration of edited entities and copy the shape.

Entry Mode

From the pulldown list choose the type of entity to be drawn: 2pt line or 2pt arc.


Will delete the last drawn entity in the current shape.

Remove matrix

Allows you to remove areas of matrix. Snap the first point of the enclosed shape and a flexible line (cursor) is drawn rotating about this point, snap a second point and so on. When the required shape has been drawn right click and choose the option Cancel Remove shape from matrix. The drawn area will be displayed in a user-configurable colour (defaulting to red). To view the area merged with any existing profiles change the view to Final result. The shapes can then be permanently merged with any existing profiles by the tool Fix edit shapes.

The Edit Bar controls are the same as the Add matrix tool, described above.

Remove edit shape

Allows you to delete an area that has been added by the Add matrix or Remove matrix tools, by picking a point on the profile of shape to delete.

Drag shape

This allows you to drag, and optionally copy, matrix profiles. Before activating the tool, any areas to be dragged must first be identified by the Copy Matrix Section tool. To drag a profile pick a point close to the block to drag; the block will highlight as the cursor moves close to it. Then pick a point to copy or move the block to. This tool is similar to Edit - Transform - Drag.

Copy Matrix Section

Allows you to identify areas of matrix geometry to be copied or moved. Snap the first point of the enclosed shape and a flexible line (cursor) is drawn rotating about this point, snap a second point and so on. When the required shape has been drawn right click and choose the option Cancel Add shape to matrix. The shape will include any existing matrix profiles that fall within the area added in the new contour. The Drag Shape tool is then automatically loaded.

Fix edit shapes

This will permanently merge any overlapping profiles to single profiles.

Remove cutout

Allows you to delete internal cutouts by picking a point on their profile.

Bezier edit

Allows you to convert a matrix profile to Bezier entities so that they can be edited as Beziers. Pick a point on the perimeter or cutout to edit and the profile will be converted to Bezier entities. See Draw - Bezier - Bezier Edit. Once complete, right-click and choose the option Cancel Bezier node editor.

Single Point

Allows you to add Text entities. After picking the anchor point for the text, the Text Editor form is displayed so you can enter and format the text.


This tool allows you to modify the wording, style, position or orientation of a text entity. See Text Editor.


These tools allow you to edit the profile of the matrix.


This option appears on the toolbar for all of these tools. It instructs the tool to check all entities for the same configuration of edited entities and apply the changes to each of them.

Add point

Allows you to add a point splitting an entity and reposition the new point. Pick the entity to which a point should be added; a flexible line will be drawn from the current start and end points to the cursor position. Snap the position of the new point, creating two entities. A fillet can be automatically added between the new entities by checking the Fillet option on the toolbar.

Move point

Allows you to move an intersection point to a new position. Pick close to the intersection point of two entities to move; a flexible line from their start points will be drawn to the cursor position. Snap the position where the point is to be moved.

Remove point

Allows you to remove an intersection point from a profile. Identify the required point and the two entities that intersect at this point will be merged.

Remove section

Allows you to remove several points on a profile. Pick the first point and then pick the second point. Any entities between these points will be deleted and a new entity created linking the two points.


Allows you to add a freehand fillet to an intersection point or change an existing fillet. Pick the point to add the fillet to; as the cursor is moved a flexible arc will be drawn. Snap the new position to add the fillet.


This is used to transform line entities or arcs, by bending them in a certain direction, or modifying the curvature of arcs. Pick the entity to bend and identify the mid point of the new arc.


The View menu contains all of the usual Repaint, Zoom etc. tools together with the following options that are specific to the Make Ready tool.

Show profile editor

Will open the Profile editor form. This form is available when in the Edit profile or Create profile tools and enables you to edit the external matrix profile and any internal cut/crease profiles.

Solid fill matrix

If this option is switched on the matrix will be displayed as a solid colour as specified in the Environment Settings.

Tool paths

This will display the crease, profile, extended chamfer and delamination tool paths. The width of each tool is determined by the values in the master tool settings.

Final result

If this option is switched on then any individual profiles will be merged with any intersecting profiles to show the final contours.


This option will display all cutouts before they are merged to create the final paths.

Extended chamfer

This option will display the extended chamfer profile.

The three options described above, Final result, Constituents and Extended chamfer, are mutually exclusive. You can also switch views from the right click context menu. The current view will determine which tools are available as described in the Final result section.


The snap menu contains a sub-set of the usual snap modes as described below:


This will allow you to snap to the end points of an entity.


Snap to the middle of an entity.


Snap to the intersection point of two entities.


Snap to the centre point of an arc or circle.

On entity

Snap to the nearest point on the identified entity.


This allows you to snap to a point offset from existing lines and arcs.

From End

Snap to an entity by a specified distance from its end point.


This will set the snap mode to none.


Will display the Snap Settings form allowing you to specify the offsets for the Snap From end and Snap Offset tools.


Similarly, the lock menu contains a sub-set of the usual lock modes as described below:


This tool allows you to align picked points horizontally with the previously entered point. This lock mode automatically switches off after one pick.


This tool allows you to align picked points vertically with the previously entered point. This lock mode automatically switches off after one pick.


This tool allows you to pick points on entities so that the newly created entity is tangent to the picked entity. This lock mode automatically switched off after one pick.


By selecting this tool you can deactivate any currently active lock mode.


The enquire menu contains all of the usual Enquire - Distance and Enquire - Angle tools, the results of which will be displayed on the toolbar.

Creating a Matrix

First run the Automatic Profile or the Create Profile tool. You must create the external profile and cutouts for internal collinear cut/crease. Once the profiles have been added, press OK. The tool will then automatically profile any internal cut entities, mask internal creases, allow for delamination areas, glue assist perf and reverse crease as defined in the settings selected.

  • You can alter any profiles created using the normal edit tools or by loading the Edit profile tool once the internals have been generated.

TIP: To assist you in editing the profiles see Notes on Final and Constituents views below

Edit the Matrix profiles.

  • The matrix profile can be altered using the Points tools. These tools allows you to remove points from the matrix profiles, add fillets and bends.
  • The profiles can be converted to Beziers and edited using the Bezier Edit tool.
  • The Edit profile tool allows you to alter any profiles created by this tool. Once you OK this tool you can optionally redo any internals, glue assist, delamination or reverse crease.

To remove a cutout use the Remove cutout tool and click a point on the cutout to be deleted.

Adding and Removing areas of matrix.

  • The Add matrix tool allows you to add areas of matrix by creating an enclosed shape. This tool can be used to join two separate matrix profiles together.
  • The Remove matrix tool allows you to create a cutout area that you can merge with any existing profiles.
  • Any areas created can be viewed merged with any existing profiles by switching the view to Final result.
  • In the Final result any areas added can be permanently merged with existing profiles using the Fix Edit Shapes tool.

To move areas of matrix.

  • First identify a shape to be copied using the Copy Matrix Section tool.
  • The Drag Shape tool will then automatically be loaded allowing you to copy or move the section highlighted.
  • Once you have created areas to be moved using the Copy Matrix tool the Drag Shape tool can be activated at any point.
  • The Remove Edit Shape tool allows you to delete any shapes created using the Edit tools.

Under the Make Ready menu you can redo the Delamination, Glue assist, Internals or Reverse creases according to the current setting.

MR Holes

This tool allows you to add Matrix location symbols.

Once complete Save and Exit will finish the tool and close the window.

Constituents, Final and Extended chamfer views

Constituents view

Switch on Constituents from the View menu. This will display the make ready profiles in their individual shapes.

All tools are available except Fix Edit Shapes.

You can then change the view to Final result and any changes will be kept.

Final result

Right click and pick View final result or switch it on from the View menu. This will display the profile tools. All shapes will be shown merged together as the final profile. Tools available in this view are:

  • Extended chamfer
  • Bezier edit
  • Fix edit shapes
  • Remove cutout
  • Text tools
  • Point tools

If you change the view to constituents view any change made to the profiles will be lost.

Extended chamfer

Switch on Extended chamfer from the View menu. This will display the extended profile tools. Tools available in this view are:

  • Extended chamfer
  • Remove cutout
  • Bezier edit
  • Text tools
  • Point tools

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