Dieboard Creation

This form is called from the Add Flatbed Dieboard and the Add Rotary Dieboard tools.

Dieboard Creation


The left hand list displays all the dieboard settings available to select from.


Use selection extents

This option will default to being checked if any entities are selected in the current layer and if this is unchecked the geometry will be created relative to cut type extents.

Do dieboard geometry

If checked, the dieboard extents and centreline notch will be added.

Do balancing knife geometry

If this is checked balance knives will be added to the back edge of the dieboard. This option is not available from the Add Rotary Dieboard tool.

Do symbol patterns

If checked, any symbol patterns assigned to the selected settings will be positioned.

Collision checking

If this is checked symbols such as plate location holes will not be placed if they collide with any visible entities.


This option is only visible for the Add Rotary Dieboard tool and will only be available if the Rotary Dieboard Settings option Add non-laser areas to rotary dieboard is switched on. From the pulldown list choose the required Lasers MTS.

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