New Block

This form is accessed from the Block - New tool.

New Block

Block Name

Enter the name to be given to the new block. This name must not already exist in the current drawing.


Enter a description for the new block.


Select the appropriate radio button to define the base-point, or origin, of the new block. This option is only available if you choose Selected Data for the Data Set (below).

  • Lower Left
  • Centre
  • Select after OK

If you choose Select after OK you will be prompted to identify the required point after closing the form.

Data Set

Select the appropriate radio button to define which geometry will be added to the new block.

  • Selected Data
  • Rectangular Area
  • Circular Area
  • Empty Block

If you choose Rectangular Area then, after closing the form, you will be prompted to identify two points to define a rectangle. All entities enclosed by the rectangle (entities crossing the rectangle will be clipped) will be added to the new block. The first identified point will be the base-point of the new block. Finally, you should place the new block by dragging the entities to the required position.

If you choose Circular Area then, after closing the form, you will be prompted to identify two points to define a circle (the centre and a point on the circumference). All entities enclosed by the circle (entities crossing the circle will be clipped) will be added to the new block. The circle centre will be the base-point of the new block. Finally, you should place the new block by dragging the entities to the required position.

You can choose Empty Block to create a new empty block. In this case you will be forced to make the new block current, as it is not possible to have a saved empty block.

Make new block insertion current

Select this option to immediately make the newly created block into the current block.

Related topics: Blocks

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