Waste Planner

 This tool automatically detects all internal and perimeter waste areas, assigning unique identifiers to each.

 The tool can only be run from a multi-up type layer.

Once the tool has started, the Waste Planner form is displayed.

Waste Planner

Master Tool Settings

Choose the required Master Tool Settings from the list.


The following options are all set in the Master Tool Settings. You can override them here.

Do manual edits

If this option is switched on you will enter edit mode after pressing Ok.

When any of the following options are switched on, that particular type of waste will be stripped. Otherwise it will be retained. The colours here are defined in Options > Environment > Colours and are used to identify the different waste areas at this stage of the tool.

  • Strip side waste
  • Strip back waste
  • Strip the skeleton waste
  • Strip the carton's internal waste
  • Strip the sheet's internal waste

If any of these types of waste do not exist in the drawing, then they are greyed out and unavailable.

Waste Counts

A summary of the waste areas is given in this area of the form.

Whilst the Waste Planner form is being displayed, the drawing will have the waste areas identified using the same colours, as shown here:

Waste Planner Colours

After choosing the required Master Tool Settings and making any necessary overrides you should click the Ok button.

Edit mode

If Do manual edits was enabled you'll now enter Edit mode. Here, all the waste areas are marked as either Stripped or Retained, again using the colours defined in Options > Environment > Colours. Otherwise, the tool will close and the waste areas will be identified with hatched or solid fill areas and optionally labelled, as defined in the settings.

Click on any of the waste areas to switch between stripped and retained. You can also use Shift click to remove a piece of waste, or to add one in an unidentified waste area.

Edit bar controls


Switch this option on to make clicks or Shift clicks apply to all similar waste areas. Switch it off if you only want to change the identified waste area.


Use this button to remove all edits and return the drawing to the same state it was when you entered edit mode.

Ok (Y)

Click this button to finish the tool when you are happy with your edits.


Click this button to cancel the tool. No waste areas will be identified.

After clicking Ok the waste areas will be identified as defined in the settings, something like this screenshot:

Feature Change History

The following changes have been made to this feature.

History of ChangeVersion
Waste Planner2024

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