This tool allows you to quickly move between different views of the current drawing.
There are several different modes that can be selected from the drop-down list on the edit bar. Select the required mode and press the Apply button. When the tool starts the current view will immediately change to the previous view using the default mode.
From the drop-down list choose the block name and press the restart button. You can then zoom into successive insertions of the chosen block using the arrow
In this situation a Design is defined as a block that is made up of one or more Faces. Use the arrow buttons to zoom into successive insertions of Designs in the current layer.
Impact always stores the eleven most recent Views. (Each time you use a Zoom, Pan, Extents etc. tool a new View is created). Use the arrow buttons to display successive views.
A Hole is considered to be any enclosed shape, such as one that could be identified by the Hole Finder tool. Use the arrow buttons to zoom into successive Holes.
WARNING: For a large or complex drawing, selecting this option could be very time-consuming.
Stripper clashes
This mode is only relevant when running the Stripper tool. Use the arrow buttons to zoom into successive clashes between Stripper objects.
Stripper regions
This mode is also only relevant when running the Stripper tool. Use the arrow buttons to zoom into successive Stripper regions.
From the drop-down list choose the required symbol name and press the restart button. Then use the arrow
buttons to zoom into successive insertions of the chosen symbol.
Tool markers
Several tools, including the Geometry Analysis toolbox, display Tool markers. Select this mode and use the arrow buttons to zoom into successive tool markers.
When any of the modes that include a restart button are active, you can press this button to return to the first view in the list.
Related topics: Notes On View Tools, View - Zoom Next