Report Drawing Area

Edit Bar controls: Rotate, About X, About Y.

This tool allows you to specify an area in which a project will be plotted out. The tool is not normally used within a project, but within a border plot Template, to create the area in which project geometry is to be displayed.

Rotate - allows you to specify a rotation angle for the border plot area.

About X - allows you to mirror the border plot about the X-axis.

About Y - allows you to mirror the border plot area about the Y-axis

When the tool is activated, you are asked to specify the bottom left hand corner of the area you wish to create as the Report Drawing Area. Pick this point and then specify the top right hand corner of the area.

Note that it is important to pick the corners in this order otherwise the drawing will be constructed upside-down or back-to-front in the border plot.

Once the corners of the Report Drawing Area have been specified, the Report Drawing Area Attributes form is displayed.

Related topics: Notes On Draw Tools, Reports, Report Drawing Area Attributes

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