Report Drawing Area Attributes

This form is opened from the Report Drawing Areas Entity Inspector when you press the Additional Properties button, and from the Draw - Report Drawing Area tool after you have identified the Report Drawing area location.

Report Drawing Area Attributes - General

Report Drawing Area is visible

If you switch this option off all the other options become unavailable and the other tabbed forms are hidden.

  • Use the visibility settings of the main canvas - if you select this option the Entity Types, Palettes and Other Visibility tabs will be hidden
  • Use custom visibility settings - select this option to define your own visibility settings

Include construction extents

If the drawing contains construction lines and arcs these will be used in the calculation of the drawing extents.

Report Drawing Area Attributes - Scaling

Scale Geometry

  • Scale to fit report drawing area - the geometry will be scaled to fit exactly within the defined area
  • Always use this scale - enter a scale value to be applied to the geometry
  • Scale down to the nearest value - enter a snap value. For instance, if the calculated scale required to fit into the area is 1:1.23, then a snap value of 0.05 rounds it down to 1:1.25; a snap value of 0.1 rounds it down to 1:1.3 and 0.5 rounds it to 1.5

Prompt before using calculated scale

If you switch this option on the Report Drawing Area Scale form will be displayed when the Report Drawing is produced allowing you to override the calculated scale.

Scale Position

This option is not available if you have selected Scale to fit, above. Otherwise you should pick one of the points to define the position of the geometry within the Report Drawing area.

Report Drawing Area Attributes - Entity Types

This tab is only visible if the Use custom visibility settings option is switched on.

Select the entity types that you want to be visible in the report output.

Report Drawing Area Attributes - Palettes

This tab is only visible if the Use custom visibility settings option is switched on.


Press this button to add a new regular expression to the list.


Press this button to change the highlighted regular expression.


Press this button to remove the highlighted regular expression from the list.

Use these buttons to alter the order of the regular expressions in the list. You should be aware that the order is significant, as the plus and minus operations are applied sequentially.

Report Drawing Area Attributes - Other Visibility

This tab is only visible if the Use custom visibility settings option is switched on.

Visible face

From the pulldown list choose the required visible face when the report is generated:

  • Use the face defined in the Layer Matching settings
  • Reverse Dieside
  • As Viewed
  • Outside
  • Inside

The actual descriptions in this list could be different as they depend on the Terminology chosen.

Show sub-block text entities

This group of options is only enabled if you select Text on the Entity Types page.

If this option is switched on then all text in sub-blocks will appear in the report. If it is switched off then you can choose from the following sub-options:

Show in one layer insert

If this option is chosen, then only text within the first insertion of any block is shown. This will simplify the report when a complex block is inserted multiple times.

Do not show in any layer inserts

If this option is chosen, then text will not be shown in any sub-blocks.

Show sub-block dimension entities

This group of options is only enabled if you select either of the Dimension types on the Entity Types page.

If this option is switched on then all dimensions in sub-blocks will appear in the report. If it is switched off then you can choose from the following sub-options:

Show in one layer insert

If this option is chosen, then only dimensions entities within the first insertion of any block are shown. This will simplify the report when a complex block is inserted multiple times.

Do not show in any layer inserts

If this option is chosen, then dimension entities will not be shown in any sub-blocks.


Switch this option on if you want bridges to be visible in the report.

Secondary palettes

Switch this option on if you want to replace palettes with secondary palettes, where appropriate, in the report.

Block origin

Switch this option on if you want to display a marker at the block origin of each block insertion in the report.

Block name

Switch this option on if you also want to display the block name against each block insertion.

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