System Text Parameters

This section describes the various system text parameters

Generally, system text values returning an area, such as PalTypeArea, give the length x width in the current units (e.g. 500mm x 250mm), whereas values returning a square area, such as PalTypeSqArea, give the area in square units (e.g. 400,000 sq mm).


  • [BlockArea("Name")]
  • [BlockExtents("Name")]
  • [BlockInsertCount("Name")]
  • [BlockInsertCountRE("Name")] - This is actually a Regular Expression describing the required blocks
  • [BlockInsertScale("Name")]
  • [BlockSqArea("Name")]
  • [BlockVisibleArea("Name")]
  • [BlockVisibleExtents("Name")]
  • [BlockVisibleSqArea("Name")]
  • [BorderPlotAreaScale("Name")]

These all require a block name.

Date and Time

  • [Date("Format")] - Requires a format such as yyyy/MM/dd
  • [Time("Format")] - Requires a format such as HH:mm:ss
  • [Date] - Uses the current locale formatting
  • [Time] - Uses the current locale formatting


  • [ImageDocument("docid/seriesid/[table.column]/script")]
  • [ImageFile("path/[table.column]/script")]

You can pass parameters to these Image commands that will be evaluated before being used. These parameters can be database columns, inline script or a script file. The Result returned from the script will be used to determine the picture to display.

Use ImageFile() for loading images from a file path, database column containing a path, or file path generated by a script. The path can be relative to the graphics repository. For example: [ImageFile("d:\image.jpg")]

A file path from a database column. For example: [ImageFile("[USERS.U_PATH]")]

A file path from an inline piece of script. For example: [ImageFile("[Script("Result = "d:\image.jpg"")]")]

Use ImageDocument() for loading images from a document by docid (specific version) or seriesid (latest version). For example: [ImageDocument("e95336d4-1cc1-42e7-804f-0d76321df806")]

A docid or seriesid from a database column. For example: [ImageDocument("[USERS.U_DOCID]")]

A docid or seriesid from an inline piece of script. For example: [ImageDocument("[Script("Result = "1610854b-4630-4962-b432-06437641c9e6"")]")]

Palette Types

  • [PalTypeArea("Type")]
  • [PalTypeExtents("Type")]
  • [PalTypeLength("Type")]
  • [PalTypeSqArea("Type")]

There are two ways of identifying the palette type.

Internal Palette Type strings

Using these strings will ensure the correct palette type is located regardless of the language in which Impact is running. Choose from the following:-

  • Balance_knife
  • Crease
  • Cut
  • Cut_crease
  • Delamination
  • Laser
  • Matrix
  • Milling
  • Non_print
  • Other
  • Perf
  • Profile_rubber
  • Rev_crease
  • Rev_score
  • Rubber
  • Score
  • Secondary
  • Strip_knife

Current language string

Use the palette type as described in the Palette Attributes Form, such as 'Cut Crease' (English); 'Coupant/Rainant' (French); 'Schneiden/Rillen' (German) or 'Reverse score' (English); 'Mi-chair inverse' (French); 'Gegenritzen' (German) etc.

You should be aware that if the user is not running Impact in the same language then the palette type will not be found. Because of this it is recommended that Internal Palette Type strings are used.


  • [Script("<type>script")]
  • [VBScript("filename")] - Specify the name of the file containing the script to be executed

For the Script parameter you must always assign the text to be displayed to the predefined variable Result.

For example: [Script("<VBScript>Result=ActiveLayer.FullName")]


  • [Plugin("file")] - This requires a plugin file name


  • [Variable("Name")] - This requires a project or layer variable name


  • [PaletteLength("Palette")]
  • [PaletteExtents("Palette")]
  • [PaletteArea("Palette")]
  • [PaletteSqArea("Palette")]
  • [RubberProfileCutLength("Palette")]

These require a palette name.

Report Drawing Areas (also called Border Plots)

  • [Border Plot Area Scale("Name")]
  • [Report Drawing Area Visible Face("Name")]
  • [Report Drawing Area Flute Direction("Name")]
  • [Report Drawing Area Machine Direction("Name")]
  • [Report Title]


  • [LayerArea]
  • [LayerCreator]
  • [LayerCreatorName]
  • [LayerCreatorInitials]
  • [LayerExtents]
  • [LayerInsertCount]
  • [LayerMaterial]
  • [LayerSqArea]
  • [LayerVisExtents]
  • [LayerVisArea]
  • [LayerVisibleSqArea]


These values are taken from the Utilities > Layout > Layout Creator tool and are mostly self-explanatory, except where noted.

  • [LayoutAutolayKeepInColumns]
  • [LayoutAutolayFillSheet]
  • [LayoutAutolayUseSpecifiedOrder]
  • [LayoutAutolayXGutter]
  • [LayoutAutolayYGutter]
  • [LayoutAutolayXCentre]
  • [LayoutAutolayYCentre]
  • [LayoutAutolayOptimiseSpaces]
  • [LayoutOneupSpacingType]
  • [LayoutOneupXInterlock]
  • [LayoutOneupYInterlock]
  • [LayoutOneupGrainAlignment]
  • [LayoutOneupFlip]
  • [LayoutOneupXRotation]
  • [LayoutOneupYRotation]
  • [LayoutOneupXGutter]
  • [LayoutOneupYGutter]
  • [LayoutOneupShiftDirection]
  • [LayoutOneupFillQuantity]
  • [LayoutOneupFillMethod]
  • [LayoutOneupInitialRotation]
  • [LayoutOneupCopy]
  • [LayoutOneupNumberUp]
  • [LayoutOneupOverProduced]
  • [LayoutOneupShiftAmount]
  • [LayoutOneupXSpacing]
  • [LayoutOneupYSpacing]
  • [LayoutOneupBlankX]
  • [LayoutOneupBlankY]
  • [LayoutOneupArea]
  • [LayoutOneupInternalGutter]
  • [LayoutOneupDisplayName]
  • [LayoutOneupName]
  • [LayoutOneupIndex]
  • [LayoutOneupRows]
  • [LayoutOneupColumns]
  • [LayoutSheetSidelay]
  • [LayoutSheetOfflay]
  • [LayoutSheetBackEdge]
  • [LayoutSheetGripEdge]
  • [LayoutSheetXStock]
  • [LayoutSheetYStock]
  • [LayoutSheetStockArea]
  • [LayoutSheetUsableWidth]
  • [LayoutSheetUsableHeight]
  • [LayoutSheetTotalNumberUp]
  • [LayoutSheetTotalOverProduced]
  • [LayoutSheetCount]
  • [LayoutSheetKnifeToKnifeX]
  • [LayoutSheetKnifeToKnifeY]
  • [LayoutSheetXFitted]
  • [LayoutSheetYFitted]
  • [LayoutSheetFittedArea]
  • [LayoutSheetUsedArea] - this is the area used based on the knife to knife size
  • [LayoutSheetScrapArea] - this is the area used based on the fitted sheet size
  • [LayoutSheetUsedFittedPercent] - this is the area used based on the knife to knife size
  • [LayoutSheetFixedUsedFittedPercent] - this is the area used based on the fitted sheet size
  • [LayoutSheetScrapFittedPercent] - this is the waste area based on the knife to knife size
  • [LayoutSheetFixedScrapFittedPercent] - this is the waste area based on the fitted sheet size
  • [LayoutSheetUsedStockPercent]
  • [LayoutSheetScrapStockPercent]
  • [LayoutSheetName]
  • [LayoutSheetRunLength]
  • [LayoutSheetUsedVolume]
  • [LayoutSheetUsedWeight]
  • [LayoutSheetStockVolume]
  • [LayoutSheetStockWeight]
  • [LayoutSheetFittedVolume]
  • [LayoutSheetFittedWeight]
  • [LayoutSheetScrapStockVolume]
  • [LayoutSheetScrapStockWeight]
  • [LayoutSheetScrapKnifeToKnifeVolume] - this is the volume based on the knife to knife size
  • [LayoutSheetScrapFittedVolume] - this is the volume based on the fitted sheet size
  • LayoutSheetScrapKnifeToKnifeWeight] - this is the weight based on the knife to knife size
  • [LayoutSheetScrapFittedWeight] - this is the weight based on the fitted sheet size
  • [LayoutSheetIsFlatbed]
  • [LayoutSheetIsRotary]
  • [LayoutSheetSpeed]
  • [LayoutSheetIsFoldingCarton]
  • [LayoutSheetFoldingCartonThicknessMax]
  • [LayoutSheetFoldingCartonThicknessMin]
  • [LayoutSheetIsCorrugated]
  • [LayoutSheetCorrugatedThicknessMax]
  • [LayoutSheetCorrugatedThicknessMin]


  • Arden Software Ltd
  • [Creator]
  • [CreatorInitials]
  • [CreatorName]
  • [ModifiedBy]
  • [ModifiedByName]
  • [ModifiedByInitials]
  • [Page]
  • [User]
  • gbriggs

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