Master Template

This tool is used to open the Master Template. The Master Template allows you to create default and standard settings that will apply to all projects, symbols and templates.

The Master Template stores the following:

  • Project Options
  • Palette Groups
  • Palettes
  • Text Styles
  • Bridge Styles
  • Colours
  • Visibility Settings (Impact Explorer, Visibility tab, Other attributes)

The Design Options form is opened once the tool is activated, this can also be opened from Options > Project.

Design options

Any palettes, palette groups, text styles or bridge styles created in the master template cannot be modified or deleted from other drawings and templates; these settings will remain constant for all drawings. The default values set in Project options, Palette options, Drawing order and Colours can be modified from other drawings and templates.


The visibility options set in Impact Explorer - Visibility page - Other Attributes can also be modified from other drawings and templates.

Modifying the Master Template

When you add a new item and save the Master Template, the item appears in each drawing the next time it is opened. Drawings which were open when you modified the Master Template are not immediately updated; they must be closed and re-opened. When you delete an item from the Master Template, it is not deleted from the drawings, it simply reverts to a normal setting. This is because the item may be in use in the drawing. If you wish the item to be removed from drawings, you must do this manually.

Closing the Master Template

When you have made your changes to the Master Template, use File > Save; this will open the Save Master Template form; then File > Close. The Save Master Template form will also appear if you do not File > Save first.

  • Discard - will close the Master Template and discard any unsaved changes you have made.
  • Save - will save any changes you have made.
  • Cancel - will cancel the current tool, File Save or File Close.

Related Topics: Master Template, Templates.

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