Design Options - VBScript

Use this form to display and modify the VBScript options for this project.

Design Options - VBScript

These project specific options are in addition to the default VBScript setting in Database Installation - Automation - VBScript.

Specify a list of additional VBScript files to automatically load in projects containing VBScript text entities. This is particularly useful for report templates.

 Use this button to add a new VBScript file, or to replace the highlighted one.

 Use this button to edit the text within the highlighted VBScript file.

In the second box you can add some VBScript commands that will be automatically executed before each VBScript text entity is calculated.

The order of execution of all of the VBScript is as follows:-

  • Database VBScript files
  • Project VBScript files
  • Database inline VBScript
  • Project inline VBScript

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