Initialise Standard

This form is opened when you press the Initialise from... button on the Standard Wizard form when the File - New - Standard tool has been started from within an existing project. It allows you to copy some of the parameters from the existing project and use them in the new standard.

Initialise Standard

Initialise from layer

From the pulldown choose the existing project layer from where you want to copy the values.

Initialise Variables

  • Use the existing layer variables - Select this option to use all the existing project layer variable values in the new standard.
  • Use the database values - Select this option if you want to use the chosen database variables. The values of the chosen variables will be displayed along side.
  • Use the selected extents - Select this option if you want to assign the length and width from the extents of the selected entities in the layer. This option is only available if there are some selected entities in the layer.
  • Use the enquiry settings extents - Select this option if you want to assign the length and width from the extents that are returned from the chosen Enquire Extents Settings.
  • Use the selected 3D extents - Select this option if you want to assign the length, width and depth from the extents of the selected entities in the current 3D layer.

Initialise Material

Switch this option on if you want the new standard to use the same material that was used to create the current project. The material name is displayed below.

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