Geometry Construction

Geometry Construction - Construction



Enter a description for this construction.

Destination Layer

This list will contain any Construction Layers that have been defined in Options Environment > Standards > Layers and Palettes. You can select an entry from the list or type in a different layer name.

Visible in 'Standard Wizard' Multi-part Construction

Switch this option on to make this construction visible in the Standard Wizard.

Create Geometry

  • Use the parametric geometry in the following layer - From the pulldown list choose the required layer.
  • Use the following automation to construct geometry - Press the edit button to open the Select Automation window.

Tidy Coincident to join overlapping lines

Switch this option on to run the Tidy - Coincident tool after doing this construction.

Valid Formula


Either enter a formula or use the Expression Builder - . This will determine whether or not this construction is created.

Geometry Construction - Variables

This page contains a list of variable groups and variables.

Add Folder

Press this button to add a new folder to the list using the Group Properties form.

Add Variable

Press this button to add a new variable to the list using the Variable Properties form.


Press this button to change the properties of either the highlighted group or the highlighted variable.


Press this button to remove the highlighted entry from the list.

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