Open Project

This form is called from the File - Open Project tool or the Impact Browser.

The options available to you are dependent upon your Database Installation and Database Operation settings. The Layers and Database pages do not appear unless you are using the Advanced Interface and have the Allow individual layers to be worked on by different users option enabled.

Open Project - Action

Choose the appropriate radio button, depending on how you want to open the project.

  • Open the selected project for modification - will open the project layers selected. Other users will then be prevented from opening and modifying these layers.
  • Create a new linked project revision - will create a new project which is an exact copy of the selected project. The database will create a link between the original and the new project when saved.
  • Open a copy of the selected project - will open a copy of the selected project. This will then allow you to save the project to the database using a new name.

Open Project - Layers

From the list of layers tick the layers to be opened.

  • If a layer has already been checked out by a user there will not be a check box against its name.
  • Layers locked by a user will not be listed.

Don't modify any existing layers

This option allows you to open the project to create new layers, but not modify any existing layers. This option is only displayed if the option Allow layers to be added without working on another is switched on in the Database Operation settings.

  • The right click context menu allows you to Check-out All or Check-out None.
  • If you already have layers checked out and closed to your working area, the newly checked out and existing checked out layers will be opened for modification.
  • If you leave the project open, any layers checked out from this form will be unlocked in your open project.

Open Project - Database

Change the customer assigned to this project

This option will allow you to change the customer assigned to the selected project. Only one user may have this privilege at a time. If another has checked layers out and checked this option, it will be greyed out.

Change the project information for this project

This option will allow you to change the project information assigned to the selected project. Only one user may have this privilege at a time. If another has checked layers out and checked this option, it will be greyed out.

If the option to open the selected project is greyed out - this is because all the layers have been checked out of the database and you do not have the permission to work on a project without checking out at least one layer.

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